Saturday, June 26, 2010

Huge News: We are moving to Colorado Springs

This is a long story but it is so worth hearing and by cutting it I would be removing the testimony of Jesus in our lives and the lives of so many others! So here is to whole thing!

As I sit here in Colorado Springs in awe of the wonder of the mysteries of God I am blown away by his winds of change that have swept over Lindsey and I. A week ago we were getting ready to head back to kansas city and start our new roles in the Intro to IHOP program as Core Leaders. Yet His destiny and ageless plan had already unknowingly caught us by the coat tails. 3 months ago as we were determining our plan of action for the birth of Croy God laid it on our heart to take time to establish our family, go deep in the knowledge of Him, how to equip people for our generation, and the book of Revelation. Also during that time we inadvertently started noticing that close to every time we drove anywhere in kansas city a colorado license plate would be in front of us (on a car of coarse not a floating license plate :) )

This continued to happen whilw other peculiar signs started to appear. "random" billboards advertising-"Come to Colorado" were everywhere and not only that we started running into people that were from Colorado. God finally got our attention I would say. We had decided in March to take a trip to Colorado in June to show off baby Croy and it was obvious that God had bigger plans for this trip.

So we started asking God where, what, or who we were suppose to meet. One afternoon in late April as we were walking trying to get baby Croy out of the womb God told us to talk to Murry and Deborah Heibert at Every Home for Christ. Lindsey knows of them because they are related to David Perkins and used to work at IHOP. They had just started a prayer room at this missions organization and that was about all we knew. The winds started to blow on us as Croy was born, we started going deep in what he had asked us to do, and our Colorado trip neared.

So last week we headed to Colorado and our house floods in KC while we are gone forcing our beloved roommates to frantically move all of our stuff upstairs and eventually box up into a storage unit. As the week progresses we try to get ahold of the Hieberts but to no avail. Finally last Thursday we got ahold of a friend that works with them but we found out that they had just left for kansas city for a wedding..oh no...well we went to Every Home for Christ (EHC) just to check it out anyway and to have coffee with our friend. She gave us the Hieberts number and told us they would love to connect with us when we went back home to KC.

So we meet with them on Sunday morning over coffee and we hurriedly tell them all of this and who we are (they only had 30 minutes to meet with us inbetween meetings) and then we awkwardly opened it up and said we didnt know why we were meeting with them so we were wondering what God was doing at EHC, at the prayer room, and in their lives.

They quickly shared about the convergence of Prayer/Missions/ and church planting with IHOP-KC, YWAM, EHC, and others, pioneering this prayer room in Colorado Springs and starting an internship that would equip people to go and plant houses of prayer all over the nations. As they are speaking the presence of God falls on us and we could feel Him so heavily. He whispered to both lindsey and I- to pay attention to what they were saying. We had shared with them our hope to one day return to the glorious mountains and they mentioned that we could come and join there staff.

So we left there totally not sure what God was doing but we knew He was up to something. So we go to the closing celebration for our Internship and I get a text asking to meet again- Murry had a few questions to ask me. Sitting down with him again at the coffee shop he stares at me and says something to the effect of," you dont really know me and I dont really know you but God has highlighted you and we want you to run our Internship" God laid it on both he and his wife as we were talking the first time.... WHAT? WHAT IS GOING ON HERE? He continues to tell me that they have been looking for a family to run the internship and could not find anyone with the IHOP DNA of 247 prayer, trained in missions, people that know the Colorado culture, and we knew much of his staff already. As I sit shell shocked he tells me the catch- the only time for new staff orientation this year will be next week and the internship starts next month. As the weight of it all hits I ask questions about the internship and it is the beginnings of something similar I have been journaling about for weeks! Our God is so beyond comparison! We ask to pray about it til Wednesday but knew we would need to know sooner to get this massive ball rolling.

Lindsey and I are in the prayer room sorting all of this out with God and we feel it is time to head to the house we were staying at (cause or other house was flooded) and we got in the car and started to talk about everything that had just happened. We look up and there is a colorado license plate in front of us so we laugh a little til we realize it is the Hieberts and then we are struck. WE FOLLOW THEM for 3 miles and then pull up next to them at a stop light. We awkwardly roll down our window and say hey we were just talking about you funny that we are following you all..and they laugh and say we were too sounds good why not keep following us :) So as all of this concludes we call and talk to a few people and get on our faces and pray to God. He confirms over and over that we are suppose to go so by thursday morning we are re-packed up and headed to our first staff meeting at EHC. We will be back in kc the first week of July to officially move and have a huge party before we leave!

Crazy what happens when you follow God :)

As we establish here what it looks like to be missionaries and start up this internship next month (JULY 22) please be praying for us for clarity 1Peter 4:7, peace and joy in our hearts-Romans 15:13 (we are freaking out a little as you could imagine) provision and help to find a house here to rent and so much more -Ephesians 1:17-19 is a good blanket prayer to cover us :)

We love you all and we will keep all of you up to date on this crazy God drama and will post new pics of Croy soon! Keep letting us know below how all of you are doing cause we really do love to hear from you
check out EHC on our link to the left and look at our internship under prayer!

til later - shalom