Saturday, August 29, 2009

Love you all!

We are sitting here in the Kansas City airport waiting to fly to Colorado and my mind blurs with all that has happened in the past week. It still seems unreal that we are in Kansas City! We arrived to our apartment late Saturday night exhausted and weary of our 12 hour drive. We woke the next day unpacked and then went to church at IHOP! The minute we entered the door we felt at home and as our spirits were uplifted by Misty Edwards our hearts turned to Fusion and Georgia as the speaker ( a fiery Chinese pastor) talked about the next generation and encouraging us that there are only 4% who believe in our generation but we have the keys in our hands and a victorious God! Though we are miles away from each other we still all serve the same faithful God! As the week progressed we have spent hours in the prayer room, God reminding us over and over how much he loves us! We finally unpacked the last box on Wednesday (Mat was a little slow in unpacking :) ) and started to prepare ourselves for the season head! We would appreciate if you all could keep our health in your prayers ( Mat is still sick), as well as praying the rest and restoration of God over our time here at IHOP! WELOVE YOU ALL and will write again soon. We will be in Colorado for a week and a half visiting Mat's family so we will be posting after that! (We posted a pic of our apartment above and the prayer room below.)

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Hey all just wanted to give you info on What we are doing!

Intro to IHOP–KC Internship

Intro to IHOP–KC is a three-month internship targeting those who intend to join staff at IHOP–KC or who seek to be equipped for leadership at their local house of prayer. Intro is one of four staff-entry programs: Intro, Onething, Fire in The Night and Simeon Company. Intro to IHOP–KC is also open to those considering the possibility of joining staff but who are still in the decision-making process.
Our goal is to equip the intercessor for long-term success in a lifestyle of prayer and fasting. The program includes training in IHOP–KC’s worship and prayer model, personal support-raising, the core values of intimacy, eschatology and intercession, the forerunner ministry, healing and prophecy.

We will be starting the last week in September!  Check out the link to the side for all the details of the program!

Keep a look out as we post what we are up to and more details that will be coming next week!

We love you all dearly!