Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Hey all just wanted to give you info on What we are doing!

Intro to IHOP–KC Internship

Intro to IHOP–KC is a three-month internship targeting those who intend to join staff at IHOP–KC or who seek to be equipped for leadership at their local house of prayer. Intro is one of four staff-entry programs: Intro, Onething, Fire in The Night and Simeon Company. Intro to IHOP–KC is also open to those considering the possibility of joining staff but who are still in the decision-making process.
Our goal is to equip the intercessor for long-term success in a lifestyle of prayer and fasting. The program includes training in IHOP–KC’s worship and prayer model, personal support-raising, the core values of intimacy, eschatology and intercession, the forerunner ministry, healing and prophecy.

We will be starting the last week in September!  Check out the link to the side for all the details of the program!

Keep a look out as we post what we are up to and more details that will be coming next week!

We love you all dearly!


  1. First one to comment! :D
    i'm so excited for you two, and what God is about to do.
    ya'll are amazing and i love you!!!

  2. Congratulations mat and lindsey! I have been praying like crazy for both of ya'll but I know you guys will be fine, you're tough! I'm going to miss you guys so much but I'm also very proud for ya'll! I'm sure you'll love it there! I just wanted to say thanks for everything you have taught me and shown me throughout the past few months. Before I started going to fusion I was a mess, but
    now I'm following God with my heart! Once
    again I love you guys and I'm sure I'll talk to you
    and see you before you leave!
    -Conor Hackler

    -Conor Hackler

  3. "I am going to do something new. It is already happening. Don't you recognize it? Like a river path in the middle of dry land" Is 43:19

  4. guys, yall are incredible and im excited to see were God tekes yall! love yall so much!

  5. I want some updates! Well, I could text you guys... I'll try that one lol. I love you both sooo much!

  6. We are thankful of God's provisions for your safe travel, family visitation, and vision confirmations. My evening renewal prayers included you both and the minsitry that God has called and that have you answered. I prayed this:
    "God awake Mat & Lindsey each morning to love you more fervently, to serve you more sincerely, and to be more devoted to you. I pray Baba God, Jesus and Holy Ghost that Mat & Lindsey will be wholly thine. Bwana Aswa Fe Way, Munga ak breekie. Sprit of our living God fall fresh upon your missionaries Mat & Lindsey create boldness of your word a evident different within and through them as they travel here,there and yonder sharing your Gospel of your son's blood shed for all people!" Amen I feel your presence here, realize that. Love you, the old man...

  7. Im so happy for the both of you! I miss you guys so much and can't wait to hear about what
    Gd is doing in your lives since you've been away. LOVE you with all my heart!
