Thursday, September 17, 2009


As I sit here in the prayer room I see 8 year olds crying out to God for His healing power for one another, couples with hands clasped praying scripture over their city, teens pleading night and day for their generation; a mighty voice rises up from Luke 18, "And will not God bring about justice for his chosen ones, who cry out to him day and night? will he keep putting them off? I tell you, he will see that they get justice, and quickly. However, when the Son of Man comes, will he find faith on the earth?"...... Will the Son of Man find faith on the earth when he comes?
If he came today would he find faith in you? Would he find you today, right now loving Him with all your heart soul mind, and strength and loving others as yourself? The question has been posed.... Will the Son of Man find faith on the earth when he comes? Our answer to that question will shape our lives and the landscape of this next generation!

Hope rises up in me as I type: We were created for such a time as this!

Our hearts go out to all those around the world who love Lindsey and I, support us, and fervently pray for us daily! We are doing well and as most of you have already heard Lindsey and I are going to have a baby!!!!!!!! God always graces us with gifts that we do not expect and this baby is undoubtedly one of those gifts! Lindsey has been terribly sick ( morning sickness is for the weak :) Lindsey gets day sickness....) she was in the prayer room the other day and had to rush over to the bathroom to throw up and I watched outside as a mass exodus of woman came rushing out of the bathroom-funny but sad. So if your prayers could rise up with ours for the protection of the baby as God knits him....or her in Lindsey's womb and since we are only 6 weeks into it that any and all complications will be cast down. Also pray for Lindsey as she is getting orientated to the new revelation and as her body starts to transition into pregnancy.
The month of restoration that Lindsey and I took to soak in His presence before we start here at the International House of Prayer is almost over and we start the intensive on the 28th of September. Pray that God has already gone before us and is preparing our way and assigning divine moments for us as we dig into his presence and learn the inner workings of the facility!

We love you all and please post how you are doing below! From now on we will try to post every Monday so we have some consistency!
With all of our hearts
Mat, Lindsey (and Baby) Lujan

Oh and check out this amazing ministry out of IHOP-KC called Crisis Response International-CRI


  1. I will be praying for you and Lindsey, and the Baby. Congrats man! Good to hear from you. It sounds like you are in a place where God is really moving, that's awesome!
    I'm dong well! Still fighting for the Faith and going to WSU. Love you Matt.

  2. That's so amazing!

    I'm doing fine but I miss you guys like CRAZY!
    I'm happy to hear that you guys are having a baby. Congratulations!
    I love you and miss you so much!


  3. Hey guys its Jesse and Ash... I got emotional when i saw that you are goin to have a baby. That is soo special. You were going to Kansas to see what God had in store for you next and SUPRISE he had the biggest adventure planned for you guys yet.. I will pray for Lindsey and the morning sickness all the time bcause it is hard very hard and she needs all the support she can get. WOW guys have fun i love you

  4. Mat and Lindsey,
    A new little Lujan! What an exciting adventure God prepared for you in Kansas City! Thank you for sharing your news with us, and you can count on prayers going up on your behalf from the Boerner household--both for the pregnancy and for your intensive training. Lindsey, I feel your pain! I was VERY sick with each of my 5 children...all day, every day for the first 12 to 16 weeks. May God sustain you and help you to remember that this is a temporary season--the precious outcome is well worth it all! We miss you both so much. May God's blessings abound... Looking forward to updates!

    We are very excited for you and Mat!
    Many blessings!
