Monday, October 12, 2009


Going into our third week Lindsey and I are overwhelmed by how much we are learning hear at IHOP. The past few weeks have been a blur in the midst of a chapel like setting in the morning filled with worship and prayer for each other followed by 3 hours of teaching on anything from Intimacy with God, Cultivating a fasted lifestyle, Revelation(one of Mat's Favorite classes), Inner healing, Book studies, and so much more! Then we jump into the prayer room for 5 hours! You think you are disciplined in prayer until you have to dig in for 5 hours then you realize you have a ton to learn! :) WE end the day exhausted physically yet filled spiritually! It is an interesting paradox :)

Lindsey is doing great(managing that "day sickness" is tough work) and we are trying to find a doctor here in Kansas City that works with our demanding 6 day a week schedule! We will hopefully be in by next Monday! It is so exciting to feel where the "bump" as Mat likes to call it is starting to form. God has been revolutionizing the way we see Him as He is preparing our hearts to be parents, we get to see a new dimension of His love for us through this baby!

Personally we are doing amazing as God is taking us back to square one and allowing us to experience Him as our father and Jesus as our loving "groom" who is preparing a place for us and is coming back to live in union with us forever! You think you understand love until you see what Jesus has done, is doing for us, and will do as a groom that is love sick to get US his church as His spotless bride. We dont know about you but we are far from spotless!

We love you all and will update again next Monday! Thank you for keeping us up to date with what is going on in your lives as well through commenting below and texting. Keep it up we miss all of you so much!


  1. Well, although we still miss you back in Woodstock, your new world sounds like a true match. Thanks for posting the updates, God has big plans for you and your family. Rick Guebert

  2. That bump is more greatly blessed than He will ever know. (or she). can't even eat grits and brown sugar without praying for the parents of this little one I call "Beloved". Everything God ever taught me is yours for the taking. No worries. In Christ, Jen

  3. It is good to be able to read about how you are both doing and catch up this way! Even though we are not close in distance this definately will help me feel close at heart! We are so proud of you both being sold out for the one and only GOD the father, Jesus the son and the holy spirit! May he continue to bless you both and show you his plan in the coming year! (Selfishly I am still praying that it will be in Colorado!!)

    We love and support all three of you! We pray strength, love and health!

    God Bless

    Mom - Soon to be known as Grandma AL :}
