Saturday, November 28, 2009

Thankfulness Abounds

So it has been awhile since our last post and so much has happened! It escapes our comprehension that we have been here for 3 months looking back at all God has done and is doing.
Baby news: We are now on the cusp of 20 weeks (4 1/2 months) and we just felt the baby for the first time this morning! We will find out the gender in a few weeks at our first ultra-sound appointment! As the baby is being knit in Lindsey pray that the fire of God that has been felt on the baby will continue to grow as the baby does and His mighty hand of protection is covering baby.

Lindsey is doing well. Sadly her grandma Caroline died 2 weeks ago suddenly of a massive heart attack as she was working. We spent 5 days with the shocked family as mourning and grief was displayed. Thankfully she was a mighty woman of God that has left an everlasting impact in her family and the community around her. It was truly inspiring to see all the people she touched. Her old pastor came in to officiate the funeral and went back home last Sunday and gave her testimony to his church. The Spirit broke and restoration followed as marriages were saved and hearts were healed. These past few weeks have left one question in my heart: What will your testimony leave?

There is also a great move of the spirit here at IHOP that has broken out and thousands have come from all over the US as God is healing broken hearts, and bodies and bringing us all to a deeper level of interaction with Him. Our lives will never be the same as we have touched a bit of Jesus and His beauty. You can watch it on webstream at

We love you all and are looking to get everyone's emails so if you can give them to us below we would greatly appreciate it as well as updating us with how you are doing!


  1. Hey guys,
    I miss you both so bad.
    I'm doing great! Things are different without you guys. My relationship with Christ has become so much stronger and just so amazing. I've started to write some amazing things. I wish to show them to you guys sometime.
    I love you Mat and Lindsey to death!
    p.s. my email is:

  2. It's so good to hear the news from you! God continues to move upon you and through you. You are SO missed here in GA..., however I continue to be excited for your venture in Kansas City. We had a great time with Daniel during Thanksgiving week--hearing stories about how God is changing lives through the 24/7 program is phenonmenal! The 24/7 teams are on their way to Mexico TODAY, so we covet your prayers for their safety and for hearts to be receptive to the message they are bringing.

    I am very sorry to hear of Lindsey's grandmother's passing. Please tell her that we are praying for God's peace and comfort to remain in her heart.

    The Boerners' family email is

    Looking forward to hearing from you again soon. Love you both so much!
    ~Myra & family

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Good to hear from you! I'm glad to see God is doing so much in your lives.

    My e-mail is I hope you get my e-mail updates if not just send me an e-mail and I will add you.
