Thursday, May 6, 2010

CROY IS HERE! Lindsey was such a trooper and after having labor all night little baby Croy Joshua Lujan was born at 7:06 am weighing 7 pounds 6 ounces; 19 inches long! He has beautiful strawberry blonde hair and has a wonderful little cry that makes your heart melt.
Make sure to post how you are doing and how we can pray for ya!


  1. We are thankful to God for Croy's arrival. He is beyond handsome and will grow up to be a mighty man of God~ Love Ya'll, Lamar

  2. He is sooo adorable! Congrat's again guys! He is so sweet! Definitely one born to "take the land" to see and trust in the Lord! Blessings to you and your family : )

  3. Oh man. He IS mat's son! He's a morning person! haha congratulations bro. we ALL miss you here in GA

  4. Love little Croy already! I see bits of each of you in that precious little face! Thanks so much for sharing the pics. Please know we are thinking of you all and praying for you as you raise Croy in the light of our Lord. Oh, just FYI...Georgia is a great place to raise a child! :) Love you guys so much! ~Myra

  5. OH MY GOOOOODDDEEEEEEEEESSSSSSSS!!! HE IS BEAUTIFUL!!! i wish you could see my facial expression! Oh my goodness! i want to meet him!! I love you guys!!

  6. He is soooo stinkin' cute! Welcome Croy! We love you already :)

  7. Wow! He is too stinking cute!
    I can't wait to see him in person.
    Love you guys, praying for you.
