Saturday, February 20, 2010

Hello after so long!

Hello all of our beloved friends and family! It is us the Lujans...I am sure you can still remember us if you think hard after our long absence from this blog! So much has been happening and in rapid succession coupled with no internet access provides for the perfect storm of NO INFORMATION! Gladly we are back in Kansas City and in our new house with internet that we borrow from the neighbor:)

But first let us get to business: baby news! Lindsey is doing well and baby Croy is growing rapidly inside her. He is due to come into this world on May 3rd so pray for Lindsey as she rounds the bend of the last trimester and also that her delivery will go smoothly ( never to early to cover her with prayer)! We have amazing 4D image of him below for you all to check out!

This new year has found us settling down in Kansas City as missionaries at the International House of Prayer! The Lord has called us both to join the Intro to IHOP program staff where we are teaching, training, and equipping all those that come to ihop with intentions of joining staff or desire to gain the heartbeat of the prayer movement. As missionaries God has called us to gather people around our ministry as partners which took us to Iowa in the beginning of January and Atlanta at the end of last month. God moved mightily and we cant wait to see everything God is going to do in us and through us during this next season!

We will update again soon with more encouragement and thoughts as God molds and shapes all of our hearts!

1 comment:

  1. SOOOO Cute! It was great seeing you guys, we will say a prayer for Lindsey and Croy and Daddy too :) Can't wait to see his little face.
    Pabel, Nicole, and the rest of the Troche gang! :)
