Monday, March 1, 2010

James 1
Consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds, 3because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance. 4Perseverance must finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything.

This has been the verse for the week as God has continuously tested Lindsey and I as we settle into Kansas City! So often it is not the big things that shape our faith but the daily choices and reactions to life; say you come back home after driving 10 hours to sell your car and you find your sink is clogged and leaking everywhere at 1 makes for a beautiful breading ground for mature reactions....or lack there of...but having to struggle in your inner man to find joy during such times has us grateful that we are learning it now so when the big things do come, say an earthquake, we are found able to reach out of a heart of peace and joy rather than the numerous other unhelpful ways that get us nowhere in that day!

Anyway beyond that Lindsey is doing great! Continue to pray for her delivery and that swelling stays down as she is entering into the last few months. Mat has been sick all last week and is trying to kick the sinus head cold that is going around. Our team is doing well and God is breaking into their lives pray that each of our interns will be able to walk out the healing, joy, calling, and heartbeat that God has been giving them over the past two months!

We love you all so much and are honored to have you all by our side! Dont forget to let us know how you are doing below. Oh and we are trying to collect addresses and emails from people so if you want us to have your address please send it to

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